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Special one-time offer, only $77!
A 3-step process to help you identify the {right} famous person to write a book blurb for you, how to ask them, and how to keep track of who you’ve asked and when you need to follow up. All so you can USE that blurb to sell more books without running around in circles.

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15 Minutes a Day to Write Your Book$47

Consistent actions add up: but only when you KNOW you’re being consistent. 15 Minutes a Day to Write Your Book guides you through taking the right daily actions and tracking your efforts. 

No more WONDERING if you’re being consistent. (And you’ll get OFF the start/stop cycle – for good.)

This Training Includes:

  • 43 Minutes of Video Instruction
  • Printable Worksheets for each less
  • Tracking sheets to record your writing process
  • Exclusive Community: Invite to my private client/ student Facebook Group
  •  Lifetime Access: to the current version AND and any future updates.
  • Total payment
  • 1x15 Minutes a Day to Write Your Book$47

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